Breastfeeding - Call for Action to HE Community
I just received a letter from MP David Kidney asking that I write Public Health Minister, Caroline Flint. He is hoping to introduce legislation in early January which will make it an offence to prevent or stop a woman from feeding a child in a public place. His bill also calls for the Department of Health to do more to promote breastfeeding.
Flint's response to Kidney's attempt to enlist her support for the bill was that "evidence of obstruction for mums wanting to breastfeed in public places is "anecdotal." He is hoping a torrent of letters to Caroline Flint will help give her the "evidence" she needs.
Support for this first basic and simple right of a family to make choices in the best interests of our children affects all of us in the Home Education community. Learning begins at zero. Breastfeeding is one of the first "lessons" we teach our children - perfect nutrition, intimacy, and concerned care. (Please be aware I do support any choice a family makes in the best interest of their children - including not to breastfeed.)
I urge all of you to take action and write Caroline Flint MP at:
Minister for Public Health
Department of Health
Richmond House, 79
Whitehall, London SW1A 2NS
Debate is in early Janurary - so this is an urgent call for action!
More about David Kidney and breatsfeeding:
Flint's response to Kidney's attempt to enlist her support for the bill was that "evidence of obstruction for mums wanting to breastfeed in public places is "anecdotal." He is hoping a torrent of letters to Caroline Flint will help give her the "evidence" she needs.
Support for this first basic and simple right of a family to make choices in the best interests of our children affects all of us in the Home Education community. Learning begins at zero. Breastfeeding is one of the first "lessons" we teach our children - perfect nutrition, intimacy, and concerned care. (Please be aware I do support any choice a family makes in the best interest of their children - including not to breastfeed.)
I urge all of you to take action and write Caroline Flint MP at:
Minister for Public Health
Department of Health
Richmond House, 79
Whitehall, London SW1A 2NS
Debate is in early Janurary - so this is an urgent call for action!
More about David Kidney and breatsfeeding: