Nursery Rhyme For Black Folks

(to the tune of Twinkle Twinkle)


whipped black man strung up high

looked a white woman ride in the eye.

pick a nigger then laugh and cheer

picture postcards, “wish you’re here!”

whipped black man strung up high

Mamas hug your boys before they die.


penis in a pickle jar

makes me wonder who you are

up upon the southern shelf

cut away from your black self.

penis in a pickle jar

on my heart you leave a scar.


oh them days are long and gone.

all us folks, we just moved on.

all is love and harmony,

them folks really love their trees.

oh them days are long and gone

‘cept for the bullet in little Trayvon.

NOTE: Saw this today. This is all I could think.,0,5032601.story
