Valentine Moment

My husband is always ready to help me think through an idea. He patiently listens to my random ideas and all of the nebulous, ephemeral strands which might transform them into a cohesive statement. He rarely offers solutions. He is just present in my process enough to help me find my own way to the final thought.

We’re sitting across the room from each other, each doing our morning computing. This morning, I’m floundering at my keyboard. I have an idea but can’t seem to find the structure.

“I’m having a hard time writing my Valentine’s post, honey,” I look up and say.

“How so?” He asks, stilling his fingers on their keyboard to concentrate on me.

“Well, I want to write something nice about you,” I begin and pause.

“Oh, having a hard time with that?” He asks; cocks his head to one side, as if to say,I’m listening dear, how can I help you?” I know he's completely serious.

I start laughing. He starts laughing. He comes across the room and kneels down in front of me. I set my laptop to the side. I wrap my arms around him. Laughing and hugging and chortling. No explanations other than laughter are needed.

Oh, Happy Valentine's Day!


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