Click. Give. Feel Good.

Thanks to one of my AfroSpear brothers, The Urban Scientist, I came across a site which helps teachers simply do their job. DonorsChoose has a very simple formula. Teachers ask. You give. Children win.

I like it. It doesn't try to solve every problem in the world. It takes it one classroom, one project at a time.

Click. Give. Feel Good.

Urban set up a group, Black Bloggers For Education. He asked if some of us would step up and help out. I joined.

Why should I, as a home educating parent, care about a bunch of public school kids? Well, because I care about children. Here is what I wrote on the site:
Fifty plus years after Brown vs Board Of Education, the playing field still isn't level. It is shakier and more uneven. That’s why our family is in the growing 25% of People Of Colour who home educate. Bush’s policies have left far too many children behind. We are worried that McCain will abandon them to the wilderness. Our children won’t be one in those numbers.

We realise our choice won’t work for many families. We also understand that there are teachers of generous spirit who suffer from poorly planned budgets, ineffective school boards and insane national polices. With help, these teachers may just be able to touch enough lives to make a difference.

For this reason, we support projects which encourage autonomy, free thought, and experiential learning. We seek projects which support undirected playful learning; foster an understanding that learning is fun; and promote critical and creative thinking.

We’ve already given. So, now I’m asking. Will you join me and my husband?

I’m looking for 20 people to give $10.00. But, if you give, we’ll give again. We’ll match half of what is raised up to $200.00 That way your donation will go even farther.

Please click. Give. Feel Good.


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